Friday, 21 June 2013

Royal Rumble 2003 - WWE Title - Kurt Angle (c) Vs. Chris Benoit

WWE Championship - Kurt Angle (c) Vs. Chris Benoit
 Kurt won the belt at Armageddon from Big Show, also this review isn't in context of the PPV as I'm just doing this match for this blog. Team Angle are banned from ringside by the ref. Kurts knee is braced. Even start as nobody gets the better of the other until benoits shoulder is rammed into the ring post, suplex gets Angle 2. Chops by benoit, now they're fighting on the apron, jesus Benoit DDTs Angle on the apron Kurts egg head may of cracked but he manages to roll away when Benoit goes for a Diving Headbutt. Sharpshooter is applied but Kurt gets a rope break. Release belly to belly by Kurt allowing him a breather, then he does a snapmare into a rearchinlock with bodyscissors. Benoit armdrags free but Angle fires back with another belly to belly, then a back suplex. Double clothesline spot has both men down. Chops, shoulderblock then a german by Benoit, Angle does a waistlock reversal allowing him to hit his own german but Benoit counters and does another german on Angle, Benoit goes up top but Kurt hits his running top rope suplex. Crossface is applied, now an Ankle Lock which Angle counters to his own Ankle Lock and that's countered to a Crossface which Kurt AngleSlams out of for 2. Ankle Lock is rolled through by Benoit, victory roll gets 2 and again they trade germans, jesus Angle does a 180' from a german leaving him open to a Diving Headbutt which Benoit hit about 3/4 of the ring away. AngleSlam gets 2, crowd are white hot for Benoit's kick out there. Crossface is again applied but again countered to an Ankle Lock which Benoit valiantly tries to break but Angle keeps his grip and benoit taps at 19:47. ***** - (possibly) the best wrestled WWE Title match in it's 11 year history. Just fantastic, Benoit gets a, rightfully deserved, standing O from Bean Town. The fact that this followed Steiner/HHH makes it even better.

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