Friday, 21 June 2013

WrestleMania 13 - Stone Cold Vs. Bret Hart

Submissions Match - Stone Cold Vs. Bret Hart
 Stone Cold has a glass screens that smashes upon his entrance, that was cool. Ken Shamrock is special ref. Austin tackles Bret and they trade punches on the mat, this is going to be a brawl. They're fighting in the crowd after Hart is clotheslined off the guardrail. Cant really see what's happening but Austin gets backdropped when going for a piledriver. Back ringside now as Hart is whipped into the steps, Austin grabs one set then Bret kicks steps into his leg and Austins knee looks like it bends awkward as he goes down as if it was trapped. In the ring Bret hits a neckbreaker and targets Austins knee that's braced. Stunner out of nowhere as Lawler says that if Hart is KOd then he cant quit, hmmmmm. Bret busts out the tingpost figure four as crowd goes apeshit, now a chair is placed around Austins ankle, the same way Batista broke Goldbergs ankle, but as Bret heads up Austin recovers and cracks him with the chair. Suplex and elbow by Austin as JR gets shots in at WCW 'this isn't about posing and covering baldspots.' Chicago crab is applied but Bret wont quit, he rakes the eyes as Austin goes for a Sharpshooter, Bret losing to the Sharpshooter, ha .... oh wait. Austin is whipped ringside cracking his head on the guardrail, he's busted bad. Bret attacks the cut with multiple, JR 'Hart has been waiting for WrestleMania, was this the match he wanted? Who knows' was that a thinly veiled nod to the rumoured Hart/HBK match that never transpired, at least at 'Mania? Chair to the knee by Hart but austin manages to avoid the Sharpshooter. Hart does his corner bump then gets a mudhole stomped in him, a superplex is followed by choking Bret with a cord but Bret manages to hit him with the ringbell leaving Austin easy prey for the Sharpshooter, now we get the (in)famous image of Austin screaming with blood pouring down his face, he doesn't tap but does pass out from the pain at 22:05. Hart attacks him after the match until Ken throws him down, the double turn is complete and the Austin Vs. Hart Foundation angle is around the corner. ***** - Fantasticlly booked match, my favorite Austin 1-on-1 match. Very, very good brawl mixed with psychology. A top WrestleMania match.

Hart:Austin 2

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