Friday, 21 June 2013

WrestleMania 3 - Randy Savage Vs. Ricky Steamboat

Intercontinental Title - Randy Savage (c) (w/ Liz) Vs. Ricky Steamboat (w/ George Steele)
  Here is the best WWF match of the 80s and possibly 'Mania history. Savage injured Steamboats throat with a ringbell, also George is obsessed with Liz or something. We get promos from the pair 'History beckons the Macho Man'. Savage bails ringside to move Liz. Couple of armdrags by Ricky, Savage misses a corner splash so Steamboat targets his arm. Savage elbows Rickys throat then knees it when he has Steamboat in the ring. Soon Randy is tied in the ropes allowing Ricky some freeshots. Armdrag by 'Boat as the pace picks up, he skins the cat when Randy tries to toss him but Savage clotheslines him over again. Double Axe Handle connects then Randy hits one in the ring, running elbow gets 2 as does a hotshot, suplex by Macho who is in control, Savage cuts short a Steamboat comeback and hits a gutwrench for 2. Ventura calls for a DQ when Savage is backdropped over, this is WrestleMania not Starrcade Jesse. Brainchop gets 3 but Savage's foot is on the rope, multiple chops follow, sunset flip gets 2 as does a jacknife cover. Savage took a swing at Dave Hebner then, speaking of Hebner he is down when Ricky is whipped into him, Ref Bump! Savage lands the Big Elbow but there's no referee, he goes ringside to get the bell but George Steele pushes him off, Savage goes for a scoopslam but Steamboat gets an inside cradle for 3 at 14:35. Savage has his head in his hands as he leaves. ***** - WWFs best match of the 80s, some may say ever. Ohhh Yeaaaah!!!!


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